Despacho Morell Lawyers in Palma

Lawyers in Palma de Mallorca and Puerto de Andratx

Despacho Morell ®

Fausto Morell & Asociados

Abogados  –  Solicitors  –  Rechtsanwälte

Lawyers in Palma de Mallorca
Pza. Juan Carlos I Nº7 1ºA – 07012
 +34 971 710147 – 971 722224 – 971 713548 – Fax:+34 971 725565

Lawyers in Puerto de Andratx
C/ Antonio Calafat Nº24 1ºA – 07157
  +34 971 674067   –  Fax:+34 971 674466


Can Morell

The Law Office was first located on the mezzanine floor of the Morell Palace, a building constructed in the XVIII century, formerly owned by the Morell family.

Palma de Mallorca

Pza. Juan Carlos I Nº7 1ºA
07012  – Palma de Mallorca

Telf: +34 971 710147  ,  971 722224  ,   971 713548
Fax: +34 971 725565

Puerto de Andratx

C/ Antonio Calafat Nº24 1ºA
07157 – Puerto de Andratx

Telf:  +34 971 674 067
Fax:  +34 971 674 466

“Despacho Morell”® Solicitors was founded by Mr. Joaquin Morell y Rovira in 1945 and was one of the first English-speaking Law Offices in the city of Palma.

The Law Office was first located on the mezzanine floor of the Morell Palace, a building constructed in the XVIII century, formerly owned by the Morell family, the Courtyard of which has been reproduced on the front page of this web site. Our logo is also a replica of the door handle of the main door of the palace.

Our strategy:

Do different things than others.

Do the same things, diferently.

The Law Office

“Despacho Morell”® Solicitors, offers its clients the professional services of a highly qualified legal staff.

All the solicitors in the office are prepared, first of all, to prevent and, as the case may be, to solve the economical and legal problems of the clients by seeking and reaching the most useful and effective solution in order to attain the intended objective.

Our Law Office, since established, specialises in advising individual persons or corporate bodies in their relationship between them or with the Administration.

Our registered offcies are located in Palma de Mallorca and Puerto de Andratx, although we operate al over the Balearic Islands, and we are in collaboration with a wide range of Law Offices in mainland Spain and other European countries.

“Despacho Morell”® Solicitors, being aware that each client requires a specific treatment/handling adapted to his objectives and to his economical situation as well, therefore considers it essential to personalise its attention to the client and, moreover, to be extremely careful with the negotiation/mediation process aimed at avoiding that the initiatives and acts of the clients be decided judicially.

That is to say, we practise preventive law. The professionals and all the staff of “Despacho Morell”® Solicitors are, of course, committed to respect both the Deontological code of law and also our own Code of Ethics and Confidentiality.

Our legal services

Real Estate Law

Integral advice and defence during the process of construction, promotion and sale of Real Estate property.

Conveyancing advice in the process of acquisition and sale of Real Estate property.

Advice on Real Estate investments, especially foreign investments.

Negotiations and drawing up of contracts (puchase/sale, options to purchase, leases, etc. ).

Application and negotiation of bank loans for Real Estate investors.

Advice on Community of Owners.

Investigation of the urban planning situation of Real Estate properties in Municipalities, cadastres and Land Registries.


Advice on the development, management and protection of brands.

Advice on issues such as the use, ownership, exploration, license and infringement of registered or unregistered designs.

Civil and criminal scope.


Formation, modification, acquisition and sale of Spanish and foreign companies.


Advice on the granting of Wills.
Acceptance of inheritances, national and foreign.
Protocolization of Holographic Wills, Successions.


Separation and Divorce.


Judicial and extrajudicial scope.